When you are photographing happy people and you have a wonderful light, everything becomes very easy.
Category: blog

Last year I visited Greece . It was just a week and I wanted to have a relaxing vacation. However, Krete is full of interesting places to visit and of course I couldn’t leave without visiting some of them.
Most interesting places I visited: Old Chania venetian harbour, Balos beach and Efalonisi beach.

Jardin du Rice
Shooting for Jardin du Rice
Model: Antonia Dumitriu
Makeup: Lidia Petroaia
Producator: Laurentiu Nicoara Continue reading “Jardin du Rice”

I’m glad every time I get a call from those I’ve worked with over time . That’s because this usually means that I will receieve some good news. Mary and Andrew married a few years ago and I was happy to shoot their wonderful wedding. Obviously, when Maria contacted me, I intuited about what we were going to talk about. I was glad to see them again and photograph them in this wonderful time of their life.

Bella Italia
As usual, I took my camera with me in the vacantion I took in Italy. Continue reading “Bella Italia”

Andrei Tudor Christening
I think you might remember Diana & Dan, a lovely couple that I photogrpahed a few months ago, when they were exepecting the new member of their family. Meanwhile, Andrei Tudor was born, a very nice little boy.
You can see how cute he is in the pictures I took at his christening.

XIIG prom photography
Although photographing a prom is quite demanding, shooting such an event pleases me every time.

Marina & Laurenţiu
Smiling and anxious. That’s how I could characterize Marina and Laurentiu, with whom I recently made maternity photo session in the botanical garden of Galaţi. Soon they will have their first child, Matei, and they wanted to document this wonderful moment. I enjoyed taking photos of these two future parents and I wish them health!

Wedding photography workshop at Rimetea
I’ve been back for two days from a wedding photography workshop by Dragoş Luduşan from be-light.ro. I was following Dragoş’s work for some time and I appreciate his natural shooting style.

Maria’s 18th birthday party
At the beginning of the month I photographed a wonderful birthday party in Bucharest, the 18th birthday party of Maria Speranta. A special name for a very special lady.

Sabina’s sweet 18 party
I had the pleasure of photographing the 18th birtday party of Sabina recently, which took place at the Carol Restaurant in Braila. Some photos from the event:

Diana & Dan, new formula
Diana and Dan are exactly the kind of people I want to have as clients.
We met about four years ago when they got married and then we’ve seen each other several times on different ocasions. They relocated shortly after the wedding in Bucharest and I even met them there one time.